Aegis Slag Cement

There’s a reason why slag cement is the cement industry’s material of choice.

Slag cement is indeed gaining the popularity it deserves in the cement industry due to its numerous environmental and performance benefits. Here are some key reasons why slag cement is considered a material of choice for a greener future:

    1. Environmental benefits: Slag cement is made from a byproduct of the iron manufacturing process called blast furnace slag. Using slag as a cementitious material reduces the need for extracting and processing raw materials like limestone, which helps conserve natural resources and reduce carbon emissions associated with traditional cement production.
    2. Reduced carbon footprint: The production of slag cement results in significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional cement. Slag cement has a lower clinker content, the main source of carbon emissions in cement production, which makes it a more sustainable alternative.
    3. Enhanced durability: Slag cement has excellent long-term durability properties, making it an ideal choice for a resilient infrastructure. It enhances the concrete’s resistance to chemical attacks, sulfates, and alkalis, resulting in reduced maintenance and repair costs over time.
    4. Increased strength and performance: The inclusion of slag in cement blends can enhance the compressive and flexural strength of concrete. It improves the workability and finishability of concrete mixes, providing a high-quality and aesthetically pleasing final product.
    5. Waste utilization: By using blast furnace slag, a byproduct of steel production that often ends up in landfills, the cement industry can contribute to waste reduction and promote a circular economy.
    6. LEED certification: Slag cement is recognized by various sustainability rating systems, such as the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. Using slag cement in construction projects can help earn points towards LEED certification.

Overall, slag cement offers a compelling solution for a greener future in the cement industry. Its benefits include lower environmental impact, improved performance, and greater resource efficiency.


Blast-furnace slag is produced in a blast furnace when iron ore is reduced to iron. By processing blast-furnace slag into slag cement, material is diverted from landfills.


Slag cement reduces energy, carbon emissions, and virgin material requirements in concrete. It also lightens concrete so exposed surfaces reflect more light thereby significantly decreasing the urban heat island effect.


Concrete made with slag cement yields higher compressive and flexural strengths.

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