About Aegis

the philosophy behind aegis cement


Aegis Has Greek and Latin Roots

We borrowed the “aegis” from Latin, but the word ultimately derives from the Greek noun aigis, which means “goatskin”. In ancient Greek mythology, and aegis was something that offered physical protection. In some stories, it was the thundercloud where Zeus kept the thunderbolts he used as weapons or the name he gave to the shield he used to protect his people. In others, the aegis was a magical protective cloak made from the skin of a goat that had suckled Zeus as an infant. The word first entered English in the 15th century as a noun meaning “shield” or “protection”, and by the 20th century it had acquired the extended senses of “auspices” or “sponsorship”.

The philosophy behind our brand is deep-rooted in strength, protection, stability and reliability. We are proud of our name and every element of our crest has been well thought-out:

  1.    shield engraved with A for Aegis – significant of Zeus’s shield;
  2.   two swords – denote protection and strength;
  3.  crown – respect;
  4.  laurel wreath – symbolic of victory and honor.

Use high quality material

The benefits of using high quality materials is that they will be more sustainable than cheaper alternatives.

Management Control

Performing regular or random audits is sometimes necessary to ensure that internal best practices and industry standards are consistently.

Establish clear timeline

Plan your work carefully and lay solid foundations.

Measure and evaluate results

Consistent with mixing your Concrete Short cuts are the pathway long term problems.

If you are interested in a project or just need some question answered

Reach out to us, we would be only to happy to help.

187 Warm Springs Road, Suite B399

Las Vegas, Nevada, 89119

1 786 458 6649

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